Tuesday 4 December 2012

Saturday 1 December 2012

Vitiligo Treatment Today

How to Cure Vitiligo

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease and its root cause cannot be traced, meaning it is a result of the body's response (albeit inappropriate) to specific tissues or substances. It is a disorder where skin de-pigmentation happens, resulting to white patches on the face, neck, or other areas of the body.
What is known, however, is that this condition occurs because the cells that are responsible for creating melanin die. Melanin, as we know, it is responsible for skin color. It is unfortunate that there has been no scientific breakthrough on How to cure vitiligo permanently. However, there are cures, in the sense that some of the effects can be reversed and that you can stop the disease from spreading
How To Cure Vitiligo - Step 1: Diagnosis
The initial step is to consult the doctor. Random tests will be done in order for a patient to be diagnosed as having vitiligo. Close monitoring of the patient's condition is also another purpose for the consultation.

Living Life With Vitiligo - Ways on How to Repigment Skin

Michael Jackson, Sisqo, Holly Marie Combs, Lee Thomas - what do these famous personalities all have in common? Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a skin condition which causes the skin to lose its color. It is mainly characterized by the presence of white spots and patches on the body. It can be widespread, affecting the whole body, or it can just affect specific areas of the body. There are about 65 million people in the world suffering from this peculiar skin disease but it's surprising to know that there's no permanent cure for it yet. About three percent of the world's population is affected by it but the real cause behind this disease is still unknown. Luckily, there are ways that vitiligo patients can do to bring back some color to their skin. Lifestyle changes alongside natural vitiligo treatments have been proven to be very useful in repigmenting the skin. Let me share to you some of them.
1. Eat a vitamin rich diet. Consuming foods rich in vitamins A, B, magnesium, copper and zine have been proven to help in preventing white patches from spreading all over the body.
2. Avoid stress or if it's impossible, keep stress levels to a minimum. They say stress is one of the primary causes of vitiligo as well as other serious health conditions such as the big C. So, it won't hurt if you keep your stress levels to a minimum. Think happy thoughts all the time.

How to Cure Hives Fast

I wanted to show you how to cure hives. This is a skin irritation that a lot of people have to live with. It causes the skin to get very red, itchy and you will experience a burning sensation. The hard part for most people is that this isn't necessarily a one time thing. People that get hives tend to have outbreaks of it throughout their life and that is what is tough for them. Understanding hives is the key to curing them, so that requires a long look at what causes them. I'm going to be talking to you about how to cure hives and how you can do it in such away to prevent it from happening in the future.

Different Treatment Options For Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin condition that is mainly characterized by the loss of pigment in different areas of the skin. It appears to occur when the body's immune cells destroy the cells that produce melanocytes which are responsible in producing the brown pigment of the skin. The main cause of this peculiar skin disease is still unknown, but most experts say that it is because of an autoimmune problem. Vitiligo is an non contagious condition, but it is chronic and once you have it, there's no way to permanently get rid of it. Vitiligo is a serious disease as it can affect a persons physical and emotional life. There is no permanent cure for vitiligo yet, but there are existing treatments that aim to increase the pigment of the affected skin. Let me share to you some of them.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Vitiligo FAQ

What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by loss of pigment; this results in white patches appearing on the skin and mucus membranes.
Who Is At Risk Of Developing Vitiligo?Anyone can develop vitiligo and both genders have an equal chance of getting vitiligo. All races exhibit a similar prevalence of this condition. However, you are more likely of developing vitiligo if a parent has it, if you or someone in your family has an autoimmune condition (such as hyperthyroidism), and if you experienced graying of hair before the age of 35.
What Is The Prevalence of Vitiligo? Vitiligo affects 1 to 2% of the population worldwide and it is estimated that between two to five million Americans have the condition. Generally, vitiligo develops between the ages of 10 to 30.
What Causes Vitiligo? The symptoms of vitiligo arise because the melanocytes (the cells that produce pigment which gives the skin its color) are either destroyed or stop functioning. What causes this to happen is still debatable - it may be the result of an autoimmune reaction, genetics, or possibly an event such as sunburn or emotional stress.

Ntural Vitiligo Treatment-The Vitiligo Cure That Doctors Don't Want you To Discover

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that causes white patches of skin to appear on different parts of the body. Common areas include the body parts most exposed to the sun (such as the hands, face and feet) as well as areas such as the armpits and the genital region. The patches tend to spread, sometimes very slowly over a number of years and sometimes in a matter of days.
Vitiligo affects about 100 million people worldwide. In the United States and Europe, the prevalence is estimated to be about 1% of the population. It affects all races and both genders equally.

White Patches on Skin-Vitiligo

White patches on skin are a characteristic symptom of vitiligo, a skin disorder that causes the destruction and/or malfunction of the pigment-producing cells. Often these patches are present on the body parts that are most exposed to the sun, such as the arms, hands, legs, feet and face. White patches can also occur at the navel, armpits and genital region. In addition, persons with vitiligo typically exhibit early greying of the hair. It is estimated that 1% of the USA's population have vitiligo, and in total around 100 million people worldwide suffer from this condition.
Vitiligo cure and vitiligo treatment is the priority topic for the people who or there loved ones are affected from vitiligo skin disorder. Many Doctors,Herbalist, Intellectuals, Dermatologist and researchers have give their expert views about both vitiligo cure and vitiligo treatment.

In the today's modern era the scientists and researchers starts following a new trend to find out the treatment for vitiligo.  The modern scientist and researchers are following the trend to find out the natural treatment for diseases like vitiligo that causes are not fully understood. This new trend is becoming popular in many western countries including United States and UK.  New researches are in the way to find out the remedy for the vitiligo. The latest researches on vitiligo are being held in international recognized universities of the World.

Monday 1 October 2012

Any Chance for Re-Pigmentation And Vitiligo Cure!

"Do I have any chance to get re-pigmentation?" Some of you might be having a deja-vu while reading this, whereas, others may have a negative response to this question. The above question is one of the most inquired statements by Vitiligo patients. However, it can not be simply answered as yes or no.
Dermatologists mostly refer Vitiligo as an inconsequential cosmetic condition but it is much more than that for patients suffering from it. Vitiligo is a well discussed disease however, not much effort was made in its treatment earlier.
This disease not only affects a person's outlook but it also has a great psychological impact. Scientists have little information about the disease which is not enough to discover a permanent Cure.