Monday 1 October 2012

Any Chance for Re-Pigmentation And Vitiligo Cure!

"Do I have any chance to get re-pigmentation?" Some of you might be having a deja-vu while reading this, whereas, others may have a negative response to this question. The above question is one of the most inquired statements by Vitiligo patients. However, it can not be simply answered as yes or no.
Dermatologists mostly refer Vitiligo as an inconsequential cosmetic condition but it is much more than that for patients suffering from it. Vitiligo is a well discussed disease however, not much effort was made in its treatment earlier.
This disease not only affects a person's outlook but it also has a great psychological impact. Scientists have little information about the disease which is not enough to discover a permanent Cure.

Autoimmune disease and Vitiligo are closely related, and a lot has been said about it. Some researchers state that it is the overactive reaction of immune system that damages Melanocytes leading to white patches on the skin. While others believe that Melanocytes expire by themselves. However, no one is able to justify their theory yet; as Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition, having peculiar characteristics. Thus every patient has a different case history with very few similar symptoms; this is why dermatologists are unable to make much progress about the disease.
This close relation shared by Vitiligo and Autoimmune disease has given birth to the idea of using Corticosteroids and Immuno-modulators as treatment for this disease. Scientists also advise patients to go for Gluten free diet.
Gluten is mostly found in food processed with wheat and correlated species. Gluten free diet is a medically recommended treatment for Celiac disease and such autoimmune conditions. Though scientific confirmation for Gluten free diet as Vitiligo treatment is anecdotal, but since a Vitiligo cure is long-awaited; thus most Vitiligo patients with a general attitude that "it might help" and "can't hurt" have been experimenting with this diet. A number of patients have claimed a significant improvement in skin condition after taking up the diet. Especially patients suffering from Vitiligo and Celiac disease at the same time have been best benefited from this treatment.
Another therapy which has sparked great interest among the Vitiligo people is herbal treatment. Herbal treatment, also famed as a Natural Treatment for Vitiligo, is an effective remedy for attaining re-pigmentation. Many of the online reports indicate that herbs are helpful to regain normal skin color. Although not every patient have attained same amount of re-pigmentation but visible changes have been experienced by almost every consumer. present white patches oil, which is being used all over the world with a great success rate for vitiligo cure!

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